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Cornell University


February 9, 2024

Please obey the rules for crossing the road, even if you’re jogging I’m impressed with the serious winter runners and pleased to see many people taking time to exercise in...

February 9, 2024

Relax! I am not referring to gathering at an athletic event, but rather the practice of hurrying through a locked door before it shuts on the heels of an authorized person I know...

February 9, 2024

The United States Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of New York has asked me to share the following message with our community Victims of federal crimes who have been...

February 2, 2024

These batteries power everything from computers and phones to e-scooters and cars They also store a large amount of energy in a small space In rare cases, if they are damaged or...

February 2, 2024

The University Fire Marshal has important information related to a recall of Ascend Cabrillo and Minaret Electric Bikes made by Pacific Cycle These bikes pose a safety risk, such...

February 2, 2024

Have you downloaded the Rave Guardian app It’s a virtual Blue Light phone you can take with you At the touch of a button, you can connect with a Public Safety dispatcher The app...

January 26, 2024

Cornell’s Good Samaritan Protocol and New York’s Good Samaritan Law aim to remove barriers to those seeking assistance by reducing judicial and legal consequences for underage...

January 26, 2024

Do not go on iced-over water – especially in these variable temperatures Ice can be dangerously thin, even if it appears to be thick and safe Hike, snowshoe, sled and ski to...

January 26, 2024

Building relationships with our community is a priority for all of us in Public Safety We enjoy the connections we make each day, and we’re here to help The Community Response...

January 19, 2024

Welcome back, returning faculty, staff and students of all levels We’re glad you are part of our community To help you get off to a safe and productive start this semester, I...

December 15, 2023

The university will be closed Dec 25 through Jan 1, but the Cornell University Police Department and the Public Safety Communication Center will be open, providing services to...

December 15, 2023

If you ordered something, you probably would like to receive it, so practice good package theft prevention It bears repeating: Be sure to lock up – and shut your windows – at...