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Cornell University

Clery Act

The Jeanne Clery Campus Safety Act (20 USC § 1092(f)) is a federal consumer protection law that requires institutions of higher education that receive Title IV funding to disclose information about campus safety and crime occurring on and around their campus.  The Clery Act is enforced by the U.S. Department of Education.

The Clery Act provides transparency around campus safety policy and crime statistics by requiring institutions, among other things, to:

  • Classify crime reports and compile and disclose accurate campus crime statistics.
  • Publish and distribute an Annual Security Report each year by October 1 containing the three previous calendar years’ Clery crime statistics and statements of campus safety and security policies and procedures.
  • Submit the campus crime statistics to the Department of Education.
  • Issue timely warnings and emergency mass notifications to the campus community.
  • Maintain a daily log of criminal incidents reported to the campus police or security department.
  • Publish and distribute an Annual Fire Safety Report each year by October 1 containing fire safety policies and procedures for student housing facilities.
  • Maintain a daily log of fires in student housing facilities.
  • Publish missing person notification procedures.
  • Implement Violence Against Women Act policies and substance abuse prevention program requirements.

The Cornell Clery Act Compliance Office within the Division of Public Safety is responsible for coordinating requirements of the law for the Cornell-Ithaca campus.

Christopher Schmidt, Director of Clery Act Compliance, 607-254-8914

For Clery Act information at Cornell AgriTech, Cornell Tech, or Weill Cornell Medicine please see the following pages:

Cornell AgriTech Geneva, NY
Cornell Tech Roosevelt Island, Manhattan
Weill Cornell Medicine Manhattan: